It’s happenned so many times before, it’s routine. The Bush administration takes to lying to prop up one of their notions like a pig takes to slop. So it’s no wonder that a leaked memo from Peter Wehner, an aide to Karl Rove, says that it’s imperative that the White House convince the American public that Social Security is headed for disaster, when the truth says the exact opposite. Under Bush’s plan, we’ll run up a $15 TRILLION deficit by the time privatization started. And this is the better of Bush’s plans!
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The Iceberg Cometh
Published: January 11, 2005
Last week someone leaked a memo written by Peter Wehner, an aide to Karl Rove, about how to sell Social Security privatization. The public, says Mr. Wehner, must be convinced that “the current system is heading for an iceberg.”
It’s the standard Bush administration tactic: invent a fake crisis to bully people into doing what you want. “For the first time in six decades,” the memo says, “the Social Security battle is one we can win.” One thing I haven’t seen pointed out, however, is the extent to which the White House expects the public and the media to believe two contradictory things.
The administration expects us to believe that drastic change is needed, and needed right away, because of the looming cost of paying for the baby boomers’ retirement.
The administration expects us not to notice, however, that the supposed solution would do nothing to reduce that cost. Even with the most favorable assumptions, the benefits of privatization wouldn’t kick in until most of the baby boomers were long gone. For the next 45 years, privatization would cost much more money than it saved.
Advocates of privatization almost always pretend that all we have to do is borrow a bit of money up front, and then the system will become self-sustaining. The Wehner memo talks of borrowing $1 trillion to $2 trillion “to cover transition costs.” Similar numbers have been widely reported in the news media.
But that’s just the borrowing over the next decade. Privatization would cost an additional $3 trillion in its second decade, $5 trillion in the decade after that and another $5 trillion in the decade after that. By the time privatization started to save money, if it ever did, the federal government would have run up around $15 trillion in extra debt.
These numbers are based on a Congressional Budget Office analysis of Plan 2, which was devised by a special presidential commission in 2001 and is widely expected to be the basis for President Bush’s plan.
Under Plan 2, payroll taxes would be diverted into private accounts while future benefits would be cut. In the short run, this would worsen the budget deficit. In the long run, if all went well, cutting benefit payments would reduce the deficit.
All wouldn’t go well; I’ll explain why in another column. But suppose that everything went according to plan. Even in that unlikely case, privatization wouldn’t even begin to reduce the budget deficit until 2050. This is supposed to be the answer to an imminent crisis?
While we waited 45 years for something good to happen, there would be a real risk of a crisis – not in Social Security, but in the budget as a whole. And privatization would increase that risk.
We already have a large budget deficit, the result of President Bush’s insistence on cutting taxes while waging a war. And it will get worse: a rise in spending on entitlements – mainly because of Medicare, but with a smaller contribution from Medicaid and, in a minor supporting role, Social Security – looks set to sharply increase the deficit after 2010.
Add borrowing for privatization to the mix, and the budget deficit might well exceed 8 percent of G.D.P. at some time during the next decade. That’s a deficit that would make Carlos Menem’s Argentina look like a model of responsibility. It would be sure to cause a collapse of investor confidence, sending the dollar through the floor, interest rates through the roof and the economy into a tailspin.
And when investors started fleeing because they believed that America had turned into a banana republic, they wouldn’t be reassured by claims that someday, in the distant future, privatization would do great things for the budget. Just ask the Argentines: their version of Social Security privatization was also supposed to save money in the long run, but all it did was move forward the date of their crisis.
A responsible administration would reverse course on tax cuts and the botched 2003 Medicare drug bill, both of which pose much greater threats to the government’s solvency than the modest financial shortfall of the Social Security system. But Mr. Bush has declared his tax cuts inviolable, and he says that his drug bill will actually save money. (The Medicare trustees say it will cost $8 trillion.)
There’s an iceberg in front of us, all right. And Mr. Bush wants us to steam right into it, full speed ahead.