An interesting story on Karl Rove’s participation on November 2nd. At the end, the paragraph reads, “And when the TV networks gave either Ohio or Nevada to Mr Bush but not both – which would have led him to be declared as the winner – Mr Rove was one of the president’s aides who got on the phone to news chiefs to try to pressure them to change their minds.”

Shades of 2000 all over again.

Article archived here

Wednesday 22nd December 2004 (01h01) :
Karl Rove tabulates own results election night- has network of contacts down to precinct level
5 comment(s).

from the BBC story “Drawing up blueprints for Bush victory”

By the time election night came around, Mr Rove was in the White House, where, unusually for a political adviser, he has an office.

He set up computers in the Old Family Dining Room and started tabulating results. He had set up a massive network of contacts, not just in state capitals, but individual districts and precincts to monitor turnout and support.

Reporters surround Karl Rove Mr Rove may spin the news, but the media still wants to hear him Early exit polls quoted by media seemed to give Mr Kerry the edge, but colleagues said Mr Rove indicated right away that they did not tally with his information.

He used his own data to put Ohio and Florida in the Bush column – bringing cheers from the president and his family when he went into the Roosevelt Room and told them.

And when the TV networks gave either Ohio or Nevada to Mr Bush but not both – which would have led him to be declared as the winner – Mr Rove was one of the president’s aides who got on the phone to news chiefs to try to pressure them to change their minds.

by : Rachel Clarke
Wednesday 22nd December 2004

By walterh

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