The Florida representatives of the DNC have decided to back Howard Dean for DNC Chair. It’d be great to get a National concensus of that!

Florida Dems back Dean for DNC chairman

Washington, DC, Jan. 18 (UPI) — The Florida delegation to the Democratic National Committee has voted unanimously to endorse Howard Dean for party chairman, the New York Times said Tuesday.

Florida’s backing derails efforts to orchestrate the simultaneous endorsement of one candidate by all 50 state party leaders later this month and gives a major lift to Dean, who is believed to have the support of a plurality of committee members. Most Democrats have held back from publicly endorsing any candidate in the crowded field.

Florida Democratic Chairman Scott Maddox said his state delegation had endorsed the former Vermont governor despite concerns he might not be the right ideological symbol for the party.

“The only knock against Howard Dean is that he’s seen as too liberal,” Maddox said. “I’m a gun-owning pickup-truck driver and I have a bulldog named Lockjaw. I am a Southern chairman of a Southern state, and I am perfectly comfortable with Howard Dean as DNC chair.”

“What our party needs right now is energy, enthusiasm and a willingness to do things differently,” he said. “I think Howard Dean brings all three of those things to the party.”

By walterh

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