The young, as well as the young at heart who grew up with the likes of Oscar the Grouch, Kermit the Frog, and even Big Bird, mourn the loss of the entire Sesame Street crew. Though the death comes as no great shock to those that follow politics, it has yet to be told to the millions of children who watch and enjoy the show every day.
The tall avian will be especially missed.
Current cause of the quick death has been attributed to the large orange occupant that resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC. The life support that sustained Big Bird and his friends for nearly the past five decades was decimated due to the elimination of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting as requested by the Trump administration. Trump, who has both great-grandchildren and children that benefit from the programming put forth by the CPB, was allegedly heard saying, “Fuck ’em. They don’t like it, they can get jobs.”
Services will not be held, though millions will privately weep when Big Bird and his friends are put to rest later this year.