In the most unlikely of places…
Tweet One of my favorite blogs to read is an airline traveller blog called “Today in the Sky” by a reporter at USA Today. One of the posts caught my…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet One of my favorite blogs to read is an airline traveller blog called “Today in the Sky” by a reporter at USA Today. One of the posts caught my…
Tweet There’s something to be said about Republicans having balls. Figuratively, not literally. When the report comes out that the war in Iraq has worsened the terrorism threat, immediately Dick…
Tweet I have always liked Keith Olbermann. He has always had a quick wit, and a piercing tongue. It served him well recently. Check out this commentary he just made,…
Tweet Okay, so Bush has been illegally spying on citizens of the United States without due cause or due process. And he’s going to get away with it. But HP…
Tweet Okay, so I’m finished with my class for school, work has quieted down, and I’m settling into my hotel room for the evening. I only ever watch National Geographic,…
Tweet If you want your liberties, head on over to the ACLU’s page on the Cheney-Specter bill and read the horror. This bill would give the President unlimited power for…
Tweet I got an email from Basic Rights Oregon today, on two things we can do to help stop gay and lesbian discrimination in Oregon. From their mailing: 1. Sign…
Tweet This is low, even for the mainstream media. ABC is going to broadcast a program that is NOT based in fact, that tries to put the blame for 9/11…
Tweet Greetings! This is Walter, the original writer, back for a bit. I know that the current guy is sidelined for a bit, and since I have some…
Tweet There’s a new ProudLiberal in town, and his name is David. David is going to be taking over, since I’m going buried in work, school, and other activities.…