Tweet As you can tell, posting has been spotty at best. This is because *this* ProudLiberal has enrolled his butt back in college to finish a degree. That’s a full…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet As you can tell, posting has been spotty at best. This is because *this* ProudLiberal has enrolled his butt back in college to finish a degree. That’s a full…
Tweet I’m overseas at the moment (in a Muslim country – and though it’s nice, I have the shroud of government censorship all around me) and happenned to catch this…
Tweet Two HUGE stories this morning: First, Bush is in DEEP kimchee this morning. Scooter Libby has stated that it was Bush that authorized the leak of Valerie Plame’s name…
Tweet So last week I worked a week of nights at a hospital, and somehow missed the “war” that we’re supposedly fighting against Christians. So explain something to me. How…
Tweet I received an email from my Congressional Representative, Earl Blumenauer, today, and was pleased to read that he’s introduced a redeployment of our troops, starting with the National Guard,…
Tweet So O’Reilly and all of the right wing echochamber kept saying that Air America was “on the brink of being extinct”. The latest lie was that WLIB, which is…
Tweet I just love this one. After hearing so much about the Bush press conference yesterday and him lying one time after the other, this just *so* fits. This is…
Tweet That’s the only thing that I can come up with when I read a local Reno story where Ed Meese was campaigning for Republican Assembly candidate Ty O. Cobb.…
Tweet Interested in having a drink in a bar? Don’t do it in Texas! Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission agents and police swept through 36 bars, arresting 30 people on charges…
Tweet That’s exactly what many Katrina survivors are worried about. With so many people bankrupt and destitute, there’s so much more to do – but they think we’ve given up…