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Tweet Air America has lost a couple of affiliates lately – due to the truth that they’ve been bringing! In Phoenix, their station was doing quite well, when it was…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet Air America has lost a couple of affiliates lately – due to the truth that they’ve been bringing! In Phoenix, their station was doing quite well, when it was…
Tweet Not only can’t O’Reilly take the heat when someone criticizes him, but when he’s scared, cried to Fox Security – and threatened a caller. Later, the caller WAS visited,…
Tweet There’s an interesting article on the blog over at The Nation discussing Yahoo! and how they’re cooperating with the Chinese government, turning over dissidents – where at least three…
Tweet Head on over to THE BRAD BLOG and check out the story about
Tweet This one actually shocks me a little bit, because it comes from a Southern State, and it actually doesn’t do gay people harm! A bill in the Virginia Senate…
Tweet Hate spyware? Well then don’t load anything from the GOP in Minnesota. They’re sending out CDs on “gay marriage”, but it actually sends data from your PC to a…
Tweet I have to admit, when I found this article, I almost lost my lunch after reading just the first sentence, which reads: The US military is clearing the way…
Tweet People for the American Way has put together a website that is essentially a FOIA Request Form. Because Bush has abused his powers and spied on Americans without legal…
Tweet The Patriot Act *shudder* is due to expire, if not extended again. Some Democrats – the people who are FOR saving our Civil Liberties – put together some protections…
Tweet The 2004 election brought out everyone to vote on gay marriage. Well now that that’s done, what did they plan for 2006? A ban on gay adoptions, of course!…