What’s wrong with this country?
Tweet The US goes to war based on bad intelligence. We can’t respond to an emergency on the scale of Katrina. And we can’t increase the minimum wage or much…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet The US goes to war based on bad intelligence. We can’t respond to an emergency on the scale of Katrina. And we can’t increase the minimum wage or much…
Tweet As if our own lives weren’t busy enough, along comes Cindy Sheehan to show that we move in slow motion compared to her! First, Cindy showed up with Venezuelan…
Tweet This is actually a great little story, about people upset with the US Supreme Court’s decision about eminent domain, and the thought of using it against one justice that…
Tweet I was debating blogging this, since it just didn’t sit well with me. Well listening to this morning “Air America Mornings with Rachel Maddow” shows that I should have.…
Tweet In yet another way to spy on the American people, the Bush Administration has asked Google to turn over search engine records, to which Google said “No way”, rebuffing…
Tweet A right-wing association is offering a $100 bounty for students to record “Radical” (read: Liberal) professors during lectures. It’s just fodder for idiot right wingers who want to smear…
Tweet With blatant disregard of the law, Ohio Secretary of State and Gubenatorial candidate has told two churches that have participated in partisan politics to ignore the IRS, should the…
Tweet In an article, Denny Hastert has tried to deflect attention away from Republican scandals by saying that they may focus on Democrats. Now it’s true that there may be…
Tweet Senator Harry Reid, preparing for his upcoming bill that he will present jointly with Nancy Pelosi in the House, has banned his staff from taking ANYTHING from a lobbyist.…
Tweet The Oscars have always been a place where a political statement can be made – and often does get made. And the statements are almost always in favor of…