Hidden funds aiding Schwarzenegger
Tweet So much for “running an open and honest government! Looks like The Guvernator is keeping lots of fundraising secret. They’ve raised $3 million already, paid for his travel, and…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet So much for “running an open and honest government! Looks like The Guvernator is keeping lots of fundraising secret. They’ve raised $3 million already, paid for his travel, and…
Tweet Jackass…. Robertson decided to “apologize” for calling
Tweet Many of the people that beat others in the head with their bibles won’t be happy, but the HHS has suspended a “road show” that promoted abstinence and mixed…
Tweet Unbeknownst to fallen military men and women’s families, the Pentagon has taken to putting slogans that were created to help “sell” the war on the gravemarkers of the fallen…
Tweet Pat Robertson is clearly losing it. He just came out and said that the United States needs to assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez because he’s a “danger” to the…
Tweet No surprise here that Cox is picked to head the SEC. At least I don’t think there is. Take a look at his contributors for the last few House…
Tweet Check out this awesome “Post November 2006 General Election” article at DemocraticUnderground. Damn, but it would be nice if we woke up to that next November!
Tweet A 57 year old grandmother and Principal, who was chaperoning 37 middle school students was told by TSA, “You’ve committed a felony, and you’re considered a terrorist.” All this…
Tweet Looks like Florida is listening to black box voting critics, at least in Miami-Dade County. The County has decided to ditch the electronic voting boxes they purchased from ES&S…
Tweet On Larry King last night, the lying Vice President Cheney said that in a matchup between Laura Bush and Hilary Clinton, that Bush would win. Of course this is…