One good piece of news out of a Republican
Tweet Well, looks like Bill Frist won’t be running for re-election in 2006, making a race for his replacement in the Senate. What brain-dead person with the Republicans put up…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet Well, looks like Bill Frist won’t be running for re-election in 2006, making a race for his replacement in the Senate. What brain-dead person with the Republicans put up…
Tweet You didn’t think Jesse Helms was just going to fade away, did you? Well, he’s not. He’s urging President Bush to rebuke any effort that may assist former President…
Tweet With the utter success of KPOJ in Portland, airing Air America and Ed Schultz, other markets are taking on. Seattle is one of those new markets, and it’s doing…
Tweet We’ve all known it. Bush can’t admit what a failure he is, especially on this issue. Studies in Bush’s adopted home state of Texas have shown that the abstinence…
Tweet The new Activism webpage will be rolling out in the next few days. As this is done, we need to know what you think our campaigns should be. Should…
Tweet In a study that looked at mainstream advertising and it’s content of gay and lesbian images, “Commercial Closet”, a research group, has shown that the amount of negative images…
Tweet …..”Conservative Freak of the Week” award here at On an interview with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting, Coulter got into it with a Canadian Journalist about troops from Canada going…
Tweet Looks like Dean is doing well in the race for the DNC chair. He’s won the backing of state Democratic party leaders on Monday. It makes you feel good…
Tweet There’s reports out about the possible derailment of Howard Dean’s frontrunner status to head up the DNC. Reports are coming out that Donnie Fowler may be being positioned to…
Tweet There’s mostly good press for California Senator Barbara Boxer, and her firey stance since Congress reconvened January 6th. From standing up to recognize and promote that there was indeed…