A new kind of protester
Tweet There’s millions of new voters that turned out in the election, most of which voted for John Kerry. And now that the “coronation” of Bush is about to happen,…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet There’s millions of new voters that turned out in the election, most of which voted for John Kerry. And now that the “coronation” of Bush is about to happen,…
Tweet Looks like Clear Channel is moving some frequencies around in the Los Angeles basin, and most likely making room for Air America and Ed Schultz. Liberal radio looks like…
Tweet As an update to the website, two new opinion pieces were rolled out this week. The January/February 2005 ProudLiberal.org Opinion page is at http://www.proudliberal.org/pl_opinion.php . Also, “Cousin Carolyn” has…
Tweet We all knew it was coming, and it’s finally here. The United States has wrapped up searches for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. What did we find? Squat.…
Tweet Massachusettes Senator Ted Kennedy is vowing to fight Bush every step of the way, nixxing Bush’s second term goals, if they are not in line with the Democratic ideals.…
Tweet As if billion dollar no-bid contracts weren’t enough, Bush is trying to give Halliburton and other companies handouts by limiting asbestos claims. He claims that it’s going to hurt…
Tweet It’s happenned so many times before, it’s routine. The Bush administration takes to lying to prop up one of their notions like a pig takes to slop. So it’s…
Tweet In a unique perspective about what’s going on in the World, Actor/Director Terry Jones has published a commentary in The Guardian asking, if there’s such an outpouring of support…
Tweet With protesters on both sides, Democrat Gregoire was certified as the winner in the Washington State Gubenatorial race. Republican sore losers protested, demanding a revote, citing “irregularities”. Hmmmm…. Aren’t…
Tweet In a recent editorial, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel has pointed out the true hipocrasy of Bush and his administration. Instead of reaching across the aisle, which Bush always says…