A Non-Issue Issue
Tweet What is it with all of the sudden “Liberals are trying to kill Christmas!” screaming that’s going on out there? Where did this come from, and why is this…
Responding to the Right Wing Echochamber
Tweet What is it with all of the sudden “Liberals are trying to kill Christmas!” screaming that’s going on out there? Where did this come from, and why is this…
Tweet I guess we’ve seen everything now. A group called the American Conservative Union is going to bestow an award to the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth in a ceremony in…
Tweet This holiday season, we all have a choice of where we shop. Why not shop at places that support Democrats? Places like Costco, Barnes & Noble, and Nordstrom strongly…
Tweet Six weeks before November 2nd, San Diego City Council member Donna Frye (http://www.donnafryeformayor.com) threw her hat into the race for Mayor of San Diego as a write in candidate.…
Tweet The King County board decided to move forward with the 573 votes that had been mistakingly tossed aside as being invalid, when they were just awaiting manual signature validation.…
Tweet After the great push by Kerry supporters against the Pro-Bush Sinclair Media Group, who’s television stations reach 24% of US households, it appears that there’s more action to come.…
Tweet It may be in the hands of a Democrat yet. Though Republicans are screaming for Democratic Gubenatorial candidate Gregoire to concede, though the Republican candidate Rossi is ahead by…
Tweet Looks like there is some talk finally in the mainstream media about what went on in Ohio on November 2nd. An article in the Washington Post covers how an…
Tweet There was a great document and speech by William Rivers Pitt, posted over at DemocraticUnderground.com, about the current state of the Recount effort in Ohio. There’s new information and…
Tweet It took a hard hitting question to be asked by our soldies – followed by an eruption of cheers – and press releases by two private companies, to shame…