CNN is trying to out-FOX FOX
Tweet There is an uproar brewing about CNN, and it’s just getting uglier and uglier. Seems that CNN is trying to do something about it’s ratings. Let’s see now, who…
A tale of two headlines
Tweet Okay, so it’s more than two headlines. It’s the concept of two different headlines for the same basic story, with VERY different undertones. But it’s the headline that gets…
Unemployement benefits and the big “FU!”
Tweet Like many Americans, I have been watching the Senate wrangle with the issue of unemployment benefits, and the detestable act that Kentucky Senator Bunning has committed in denying benefits…
Homophobia seems to be making a comeback (image technically NSFW)
Tweet It seems that there is more and more homophobia, calls for violence, and all-out crappy treatment of the LGBT community that either being reported, or just becoming more fashionable…
Another difference between Democrats and Republicans
Tweet There has been a great “compare and contrast Democrats and Republicans” list out there for quite a while, and trust me it is great. But recently, something struck me…
No footnotes, no asterisks
Tweet You know, when you read the Declaration of Independence put forth by the Founding Fathers, you have to notice one fact. There are no footnotes or asterisks that direct…
Straight boys looking at naked ladies makes them GAY?!?!?!
Tweet Okay, who came up with this? Oh yeah, some yabbo – Senator Tom Coburn’s Chief of Staff at the Value Voters summit – declared that. Okay, who believes these…
Things I’ve heard on the passing of Senator Kennedy
Tweet You want to see the real difference between a Democrat and a Republican? I know this comes from my observations, but having watched the same thing on right-wing television…
NOM brings me back to 1967
Tweet Okay, so I wasn’t born until late 1967, and I don’t remember this myself. But the feelings are the same. Watch NOM’s latest commercial (you can find it here)…
Why I Want To Run the White House Healthcare Planning and Debate
Tweet Okay, I have to admit that at times, I can be a control freak. But it is only because when I see something is misguided and not firing on…