If you have to lie to make a point, don’t you know it discredits you?
Tweet Apparently not, at least to Republicans. Take a look at this video. The “I’m just a local mom” lady is a Republican plant, who worked on the campaign of…
New DNC ad. What do you think?
Tweet Have you seen the new DNC ad? It explains how the RNC attacks on Obama and healthcare are purely for political reasons, and the public “outrage” at town hall…
Two things I did to help bring Republicans back to reality
Tweet I have to admit, it is kindof fun watching the idiot republicans pull themselves away from reality and try and dig into this birther thing. It’s almost as disgusting…
My thoughts on health care
Tweet Had a discussion with a friend on Facebook on healthcare. They were not sure about it, and wanted to know the reasons FOR and why would someone NOT want…
Why people think Democrats are wimps
Tweet Yeah, that’s a pretty infuriating headline, but I have a point. Come with me on this. In the late 1980s/early 1990s, it came out that the Reagan/Bush White House…
You know the Nazis burned books, too
Tweet This is not only disgusting, but VILE. A small town in Wisconsin has started campaigning against their public library because they carried books that held a positive view for…
First they came for the gays…
Tweet This weekend, as I was working in my yard and came upon an idea. And low and behold, it came into being. What was it? You see, I was…
Judge rights a wrong, gets demoted
Tweet How’s THAT for activist judges? Remember a while back when Florida passed a bill that prevented gays and lesbians from adopting children? Pure hate, no? Children need families, even…
Declare YOUR independence
Tweet You know what? I’m sick. I’m sick to death of corporatism. Everywhere you look is either a “made in China” sticker, or some corporation that has no ties to…
When headlines LIE
Tweet Oh man… You have to give it to Don Wildmon and the AFA. They can lie with the best of them (which, oddly enough, God said you shouldn’t do…