One last thing about the AFA and the “Tea Parties”
Tweet The AFA proudly is sponsoring these “TEA” parties, protesting taxes. I’m sorry, but isn’t the AFA a tax-exempt 503(c) organization? That’s what they say in their emails… So why…
AFA, you morons!
Tweet What the F have I said about the AFA being a bunch of hypocritical douchnozzles that lie to their followers? Man this is getting old. Today in my inbox…
Don Wildmon deserves to be TEABAGGED
Tweet Yea Gods these Republicans these days are stupid… TEABAG parties? Seriously… Wildmon, please. Click on THIS link if you want to know what teabagging is. Or THIS one if…
Public revolts, Amazon repents
Tweet After the giant outburst this weekend over Amazon’s arbitrary removal of GLBTQ materials from the sales ranking with the reasoning that they were “adult” oriented, the retail giant repented.…
(One image NSFW) Just when it was time to start trusting Amazon again
Tweet I have to admit it. has gotten “sexy”. They have the new Kindle, and have even gotten me to come back as a customer after five years. They…
This is why we need corporate money out of our elections
Tweet The Employee Free Choice Act that has been introduced in Congress is an act that will help unionization withing the United States. Unions are what built this nation, though…
Add Vermont to the list!
Tweet As promised, Vermont’s Republican Governor Jim Douglas vetoed civil marriage equality for all Vermont residents. But this morning, the Vermont House and Senate have both voted to override the…
The most eloquent explanation about Iowa
Tweet One of my favorite talk show hosts is Mike Malloy, now self-syndicating since NovaM Radio went the way of the DoDo bird. I’m listening to his Friday podcast (which…
Palin wants Begich to resign?
Tweet Okay, here’s what I don’t get. First of all, I’m an Alaskan at heart. I grew up in Alaska, it’s what I identify with, and why I like Oregon…
Prank shows the true colors of some people
Tweet So I’m on assignment in a little town outside of Bakersfield, California. While here, if I don’t get a rental car with satellite radio, I listen to a local…