ABC investigates gay bashing
Tweet What if they were doing a gay bashing experiment in the bar that you frequented, and you didn’t know? ABC did this (click here), and in some ways the…
The problems at AIG
Tweet There is such a thing as a “bandwagon”, and our US Congress is not exempt. Sure, people were pissed about the bonuses paid to workers at AIG. They took…
Want to know a place to put your money right now?
Tweet We all are wondering what to do with our money right now, what little money we have left over to invest. Yeah, we *are* saving more these days, which…
Message to Donald Wildmon: Do you own damn protest!
Tweet So I got an email from Donald Wildmon of the AFA tonight. He’s urging everyone to forward his message to everyone in their address book. In part, it read:…
Your tax dollars at work
Tweet Okay – so Democrats are called “tax and spend”. Well look at this map, and overlay what is a red state and what is a blue state. This map…
Wow… You know what’s more popular than Bush, Republican Leaders or Republicans in Congress?
Tweet Pot. Maryjane. The silly weed. Yeah, that’s right. Legalizing marijuana is more popular than House Minority Leader Boehner and Senate Minority Leader McConnell combined! It is singlehandely more popular…
Getting out the progressive message
Tweet The media in this country has been a place where it tries to think for the individual. It sort of reminds me of the fat, lazy humans in Wall-E.…
Wow, them homosexuals sure gots power!
Tweet OMFG. So I get my daily “rant” from, that thinks that they are being oppressed by everyone in this country. Oppressed, just because people believe freedom OF religion…
Republican hypocrasy at it’s best
Tweet Since when did these Republicans get so hawkish about the debt and spending people’s money? I sat watching CNBC this morning as I was getting ready, and watched Senator…
Reasons why the MSM can kiss my ass
Tweet I know the MSM is all about either selling papers or grabbing viewers, but they are getting so far over the line lately that it is truly starting to…