Make a donation, receive a threat
Tweet Wow… This is going beyond the pale when it comes to the right wing being nasty and threatening. Howard Rich is heading up an effort with “Americans for Limited…
Why not ban the gays?
Tweet Oh this is something that I just about blew my top over… So the religious right isn’t happy enough that McCain is ignoring their calls to start yabbering about…
With McCain down in the polls, what does the religious right say?
Tweet To quote the homophobic “Focus on the Family” and those other organizations that deny reality: McCain urged to be more vocal on marriage amendments Can you believe that? The…
McCain suspending his campaign, eh?
Tweet Okay – so the “Maverick” calls for suspending his campaign, ending commercials, calling off the debate, and as the accidental leak of the talking points say, suspending campaign fundraising.…
The best piece on the bailout
Tweet One of my heros is Dennis Kucinich, and he came out with a plan that is the best thing I’ve read on how we should deal with this. You…
Best quote of the week
Tweet I love this, in the shadow of the $700,000,000,000 bailout (yes, seven hundred billion): We’ve just been raped, and now we’re being asked to pay for the rape kit.…
Palin and the librarian scandal
Tweet Okay, so sometimes satellite radio is more useful than 24 hour trance music… This morning as I drove into the office and was listening to XM’s POTUS08, they had…
The best “Democrat versus Republican” compare and contrast list ever!
Tweet You gotta love There are some awesome posts over there, but nothing compares to the list found here. To quote a couple of my favorites: * If you…
This is why Republicans are wrong (and racist) most of the time
Tweet There’s a story out about a leader of college Republicans who let a racial slur slip about Obama, and got fired. Yeah, well, he should. I mean racism has…
Two things about the Palin’s latest child
Tweet Reading a story about Trig Paxon Van Palen, there were two things that really stood out at me. They were: “I said I am going to stay for the…