Oh boo-hoo, Perino!
Tweet You know the corporate media is going to hell when you get most of your best news from Fark.com. Know Fark? It’s a great little spot on the web…
Back…to an ugly situation
Tweet I was out of the country on vacation, and come back to ugliness. First off, I’m glad that there was a huge rally in Jena, Louisiana in support of…
Conspiracies abound…
Tweet Okay, maybe this is the tin-foil-hat wearing conspiracy theorist, but there are just a few oddities going on right now. First off, there is the full standdown by the…
An open letter to CNN
Tweet Dear CNN, As I was getting ready for work, like most mornings I turned on the television to catch up on the news. I was intrigued by an announced…
Beyond corrupt
Tweet Okay, this has gone WAY beyond too far. Now it comes to our attention that Bush is trying to spy on more Americans than he already is, by the…
Just goes to show what’s wrong with the media today
Tweet Go and take a look at this picture and the little blurb that goes along with it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Okay, notice anything? Yeah, that’s right. When a…
And when you’re done tranforming your own world…
Tweet …start transforming other people’s world. That’s what FOX News does. They pull studies out of their ass. They lie. They go to a Republican stump speech no matter if…
Changing your reality
Tweet Everyone needs to remember that we are what we make of this world. Meaning if we trash it, then we are essentially trash. So what does it say about…
The HRC/Logo debate last night
Tweet Okay, so who caught the HRC/Logo debate last night? I did, and it really solidified a few things for me. First of all, Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel are…
Giving the gift of conscience – to George Bush
Tweet As I was listening to the artist P!nk’s song “Dear Mr. President”, an idea cut through the depression of a year and a half more of George Bush. The…