Another single-finger wave to the US citizen
Tweet If there ever was a case of hypocrisy, this is one of them. The EPA has a science panel for issues on asbestos, and they have come up with…
Man I’m steamed…
Tweet Okay, so I’ve been working WAY too many hours and travelling for work way too much. As a result, I haven’t posted much on the blog, and have kept…
Another example of Republican Hypocrisy
Tweet Try this one on for size! During the Clinton/Gore era, the Republican congress was ALL over the two. Sometimes valid, sometimes not (actually, most times not). Charges were made…
Republicans show they have no shame
Tweet Of course we all new this. This is getting to all new lows, however. First, Rudy Giuliani tried the “if Democrats win, we will get attacked just like 9/11”…
Just a little video
Tweet Something that I worked on over the weekend. It brings the gay marriage issue to the same train of thought as the civil rights struggles of the 1950s and…
Here’s a novel idea…
Tweet How about we all – EVERY American with the right to vote – get a chance to decide who our next President will be? We may vote on the…
Maryland at the forefront
Tweet The forefront of changing the Electoral College, that is! Maryland has done wat many people have wanted, especially after the popular vote win but electoral college vote loss by…
Something you’re not hearing much on the US Attourney scandal
Tweet Go and read what Greg Palast wrote about earlier in March. He makes the point, that most people have missed or just underreported, that Timothy Griffin, the hand-picked successor…
One soldier I will NOT support
Tweet Don’t get me wrong; I support our troops. I support them so much that I want to bring them home now instead of having them die for an unjust…
Two photos say it all
Tweet As I sit waiting for my plane, I caught this over on DU: While the other one was this: