Let’s Put Some Real Grown-Ups In Charge November 7
Tweet When all media and entertainment is awash with stylized and glamorized violence, it’s the cruelest of ironies that the current U.S. administration so agressively supresses access to photos of…
Next up in the GOP (s)Hit(e) Parade: Rep. Curt Weldon R-Pa, his daughter, and Milosevic
Tweet Sweet merciful crap, the GOP and their Holy Trinity of Addictions (money, power, and corruption) roll on, picking up speed like a filth-encrusted snowball down an avalanche… the AP…
Meaningless News Flash! Air America Radio Goes Chapt. 11–just like all major airlines
Tweet I bet the Regressivist CloneBots and Apocalyptophiliacs will be feverishly ejaculating about this for the next century. But those of us who live in the real world know that…
GOP Talking Points until the Elections: N. Korea, N. Korea, and N. Korea.
Tweet From: GOP Clonebot Central To: All loyal Clonebots Attention All Operatives! Oh Faithful Minions, that was a close one! We here at Clonebot Media Manipulations, Inc (a wholly controlled…
The Angry Bush Child needs to ask his parents RIGHT NOW: “Why did you forsake me?”
Tweet Author’s note: It will be obvious to many reading this post that I’m greatly indebted to the work of Dr. Justin A. Frank and others who have done us…
Huh, Sen. Macaca is apparently dishonest… somehow, I’m not shocked…
Tweet Not only is he a bigot, ashamed of his heritage, and a compulsive liar. Now the AP reports that this racist clonebot systematically lied and mis-represented stock options he’s…
Apocalyptophiliacs, or, Watching the Ouroboros in HD
Tweet Further comments on the GOP’s attempt to equate homosexuality with the propensity to molest children, and the right wing’s misappropriation of Christ’s teachings: It is very plausible that we’re…
Olbermann on the Liar in Chief
Tweet This is simply incredible. Head over to the latest embedded Olbermann video on RawStory and listen to him. The man is, in a word, eloquent.
See? What did I tell ya?
Tweet It didn’t take long for the right wing conservatives to start equating child molesters to homosexuals. This is utter bullshit. The Republicans have always discriminated against minorities. Is it…