ABC = All ready to Broadcast lies about Clinton?
Tweet This is low, even for the mainstream media. ABC is going to broadcast a program that is NOT based in fact, that tries to put the blame for 9/11…
Back for a bit
Tweet Greetings! This is Walter, the original writer, back for a bit. I know that the current guy is sidelined for a bit, and since I have some…
Crap! Topic Overload!
Tweet Ah I’ve started writing several posts recently, but end up quitting out of frustrated disgust. Rove oozes out of the grand jury’s interest and straight back to the sewer.…
Even by their own standards, they’ve failed.
Tweet A short post is sufficient to state the obvious: the tiny minority of ‘religious’ rightists, though intimidating to a disproportionate number of republican members of our elected representation, have…
Killing of Iraqi may have been ‘premeditated’–CNN
Tweet This may be old news by the time I’ve posted; Jamie McIntyre writes on that an unnamed-“military officer close to the inquiry” investigating the killing of an Iraqi…
Tweet Hi and welcome to Proud Liberal. As stated below, the Proud Lib who started this site has returned to University to finish filling his head with high-octane, sustainable, and…
New ProudLiberal in town!
Tweet There’s a new ProudLiberal in town, and his name is David. David is going to be taking over, since I’m going buried in work, school, and other activities.… Status – DOMAIN AVAILABLE!
Tweet As you can tell, posting has been spotty at best. This is because *this* ProudLiberal has enrolled his butt back in college to finish a degree. That’s a full…
Hiding the wiretaps
Tweet I’m overseas at the moment (in a Muslim country – and though it’s nice, I have the shroud of government censorship all around me) and happenned to catch this…
Bush may want to hide under the bed this morning….
Tweet Two HUGE stories this morning: First, Bush is in DEEP kimchee this morning. Scooter Libby has stated that it was Bush that authorized the leak of Valerie Plame’s name…