Christian in Afghanistan – Death Penalty
Tweet Right wingers who are intolerant of other religions, sexual orientation, and the color of a persons skin, LISTEN UP! A man who converted to Christianity in Afghanistan while he…
Kenneth Blackwell’s “stand”
Tweet Reading an article on which Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell is trying to distance himself from the growing scandals in Ohio with the GOP, he makes an incredible…
Democrats, GROW A SPINE!
Tweet Okay – first off a little civics lesson. Impeachment begins in the House of Representatives. Impeachment must begin in the House, then it will move to the Senate where…
Tucker Carlson – what a jerk!
Tweet So Discovery Channel has a rerun on now, and I ended up watching Tucker Carlson on MSNBC. It’s been 24 minutes, and I’ve wanted to throw up several times…
Expelled for “snuggle scene” in student movie inspired by Brokeback Mountain
Tweet In my own back yard, no less!! A student of a West Linn, Oregon school was expelled for including a same-sex snuggling scene (check the link for the picture…
Sleeping with a finger on The Button?
Tweet There’s a pitiful story in the Washington Post today, discussing just how tired and weary senior White House staff is these days. People only getting 5 hours of sleep…
Censure Bush
Tweet Senator Russ Feingold has announced that he’s introducing a move to censure President Bush because of his illegal wiretapping. It’s not articles of impeachment, as George Stephanopolous kept hammering…
Support Air America!
Tweet Air America has lost a couple of affiliates lately – due to the truth that they’ve been bringing! In Phoenix, their station was doing quite well, when it was…
O’Reilly can’t take the Heat
Tweet Not only can’t O’Reilly take the heat when someone criticizes him, but when he’s scared, cried to Fox Security – and threatened a caller. Later, the caller WAS visited,…
Yahoo! to China: Here’s your dissidents!
Tweet There’s an interesting article on the blog over at The Nation discussing Yahoo! and how they’re cooperating with the Chinese government, turning over dissidents – where at least three…