Tweet Democrats are crying foul, asking for an immediate investigation into up to $9 Billion dollars mismanaged in Iraq. Examples are $2 Million in cash stuffed into gunnysacks for a…
Critical Bush story killed before election
Tweet A story Critical of Bush that was to be printed in the New York Times, about how Bush was wearing a wire during the debates — showing he cheated…
Blacklisting the public?
Tweet If you’ve got a private event, you have the right to say who can be there, who can’t, etc. However, if you’re the President, and you are hosting a…
Recite the Pledge OR ELSE
Tweet It’s incredible that legislation like this comes up, and that it’s passed with a 93 to 4 vote. Virginia lawmakers weren’t happy that a law is on the books…
Excellent Senate Filibuster Article
Tweet Probably the best article that I’ve read that explains exactly what rules Republicans in the Senate have used during Democratic party rule, but the lapse of those same rules…
Pay to play
Tweet Two politicians who donated to the “Tom DeLay defense fund”, which paid for DeLay’s legal problems in his ethics hearings, have been rewarded with posts on the Ethics committee.…
Groundhog Day Image
Tweet Shamelessly stolen out of MakeThemAccountable.org daily newsletter that goes out.
One good piece of news out of a Republican
Tweet Well, looks like Bill Frist won’t be running for re-election in 2006, making a race for his replacement in the Senate. What brain-dead person with the Republicans put up…
Helms the Paranoid
Tweet You didn’t think Jesse Helms was just going to fade away, did you? Well, he’s not. He’s urging President Bush to rebuke any effort that may assist former President…
Liberal Radio in the Pacific NW
Tweet With the utter success of KPOJ in Portland, airing Air America and Ed Schultz, other markets are taking on. Seattle is one of those new markets, and it’s doing…