“Down With Tolerance!”
Tweet The novel, “The Misfits”, is about bunch of middle school kids — one of whom is gay — who get sick of the name calling and taunting at school,…
Shame on some
Tweet In the spirit of the “get out the vote”, we Democrats made a lot of noise about making sure people got out to vote, those that needed rides would…
DNC Candidates Interviewed
Tweet Over the last few days, Howard Dean and the other candidates for the DNC chair have been interviewed. Dean is leading among many in the party; the people who…
Blowing smoke up his own ass
Tweet In an interview with MSNBC, Karl Rove lies about Bush’s election. He says, “The fact that this president was re-elected in a time of deep political polarization, when he’d…
Liberal Talk Radio Good Business
Tweet Knowing how to make a buck, Clear Channel is dumping underperforming stations programming and going with a hybrid Air America/other Liberal talk lineup. The need has been there since…
Florida Democrats for Dean
Tweet The Florida representatives of the DNC have decided to back Howard Dean for DNC Chair. It’d be great to get a National concensus of that!
Republican with no shame
Tweet In a guest opinion over at the August Free Press, Matt Barber has tried to tie the Democratic party to racism and biggotry, because of the questions that Democrats…
Bush’s 34 Scandals
Tweet Salon.com has put together a list of 34 scandals that have involved the Bush Administration it’s first four years, with most of those not even covered by the major…
THIS is why we have Separation of Church & State
Tweet If you’ve ever wondered why our forefathers decided to write the separation of Church and State into our Constitution, go through this article, about missionaries who refused to give…
Theocracy, Part II
Tweet In the heavily GOP areas of Georgia, theocratic-type candidates do well. So it’s no surprise that Ralph Reed, former head of the Christian Coalition, is contemplating a run for…