Gavin Newsome: Something Right in SF
Tweet And by right, I mean correct, not corrupt Republican. Gavin Newsome took some bold steps early in his Mayoral career in San Francisco, and he’s taken heat for it.…
“Lifetime Detention” for Bush’s war on terror
Tweet We already know that there have been ZERO convictions out of 5000 arrests — the Justice Department had a 0% track record on terrorist arrests. Well now it’s out…
Dobson Threatening Democrats
Tweet The very biggoted James Dobson of the “Focus on (white, protestant) Family” organiation is going after any Democratic Senator, promising a battle of “enormous proportions”, if Democrats filibuster any…
Social Security Reform on a Small Scall (CALPERS)
Tweet Looks like the Republicans are going to try to start small, and are going to try to privatie CALPERS, the California State Pension System. They want to start in…
Open Access to Vote Tallying Machines
Tweet It’s been revealed that the Associated Press had direct computer access to at least Cook County, Illinois vote tabulation computers, and if they had it there, they could have…
Rove urged TV Networks to call for Bush
Tweet An interesting story on Karl Rove’s participation on November 2nd. At the end, the paragraph reads, “And when the TV networks gave either Ohio or Nevada to Mr Bush…
Rossi wants a “do over”
Tweet Because he doesn’t like the fact that he lost, and it was proven in a bipartisan hand count of all the votes, Republican Dino Rossi is asking for a…
Karl Rove: Texan of the Year
Tweet It’s hard to read a story like this so soon after dinner…. The Dallas Morning News has named Karl Rove Texan of the Year, an “honor” that was bestowed…
WA Vote to Certify tomorrow
Tweet In what will be the “seal the deal” for Democrat Christine Gregiore, Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed will certify the vote tomorrow, making final the 129 vote lead…
House non-Ethics Committee
Tweet In yet another blow to ethical politics, House Speaker Dennis Hastert is probably going to replace the current Chair of the House Ethics Committee. The current Chair, Joel Hefley…