Tweet For the first time since the Iraq war started, a majority of Americans believe that it was a mistake to go into Iraq — 51% to 48%. What’s worse…
Gays “have a problem”
Tweet According too the Mormon church, gays and lesbians, “have a problem” and need help. But the thing is, he won’t say if he believes if homosexuality is something that…
Ohio recount over
Tweet As expected, the recount in Ohio didn’t change the outcome of the election. Nobody expected it to. But what people were expecting was a valid, honest recount, and that…
Straight Marriage Intrusion
Tweet Now the Republicans are making inroads to curtailing and managing heterosexual marriage, not just gay marriage. Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm vetoed legislation that put a 28 day waiting period…
Blackwell: Challenging election is “frivolous”
Tweet Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell (who, as we all know, co-chaired the Bush Reelection Committee for Ohio) is seeking a court order in an attempt to keep himself…
McKinney back in DC
Tweet After losing her House of Representatives seat in 2002, over a comment that Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks before they occured, Cynthia McKinney came back on November 2nd,…
Getting It Wrong
Tweet In an opinion piece titled, “The new status quo”, US News and World Report writer Michael Barone paints liberalism as something quaint and nostalgic – looking to the past.…
Free and Fair Elections – just not here
Tweet The US State Department today put out a statement by Noel Clay, a State Department spokesman, that requested the Ukrainian govermnet to count the votes and make the votes…
Kerry coming out of seclusion
Tweet It’s about time! Because of all of the allegations of fraud and vote tampering, John Kerry has decided to join in the fray, and will be filing suit in…
Reasons for Conservatism?
Tweet An article from my hometown cites a close-by neighborhood to me as the most conservative in Multnomah County. In it, they find two voters who are now Republicans because…