Kyoto Protocol Reborn?
Tweet After Russia became the latest signatory on the Kyoto pact, it seems to have brought some life back into it possibly becoming ratified by the United States Senate. Bush…
ACTION: Hearings Wednesday
Tweet (From Wed. Dec. 8, Congressman Conyers will hold a hearing on allegations of fraud and irregularities in Ohio. Take these actions: 1) Now! Contact C-SPAN by email…
Jan 20th, 2005 PROTEST
Tweet This is making the rounds, and it’s a great idea! If you can make it to Washington DC for the week of protests just before Bush is inagurated, then…
Banning books a la Nazis
Tweet Alabama Representative Gerald Allen — Republican, of course — has put forth a bill that will outlaw books, pamphlets, plays, and even speakers in any public institution, if homosexuals…
Republicans future-suppressing votes
Tweet In another blatant show of contempt for voters, Republicans in Michigan have killed an attempt by Democrats to make absentee voting open to everyone in the state, not just…
Colleges win fight against ROTC/Military
Tweet In a 2 to 1 ruling, the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has told the US Military that they cannot threaten colleges and universities with the freezing or…
Protests and maybe an arrest?
Tweet Bush is going to Canada soon. And while I apologize to our neighbors to the North, I applaud the massive demonstrations that are being planned to protest him. Bush…
End of the Filibuster?
Tweet The Republicans control the House, the Senate, the White House, and have the majority on the Supreme Court. When it’s suited them, like during the Clinton Administration, Republicans have…
Public Television Under Attack
Tweet After South Carolina Educational Television (PBS) aired a 26 minute documentary on homosexuality, in which it was designed to promote tolerance and understanding, a SC Republican state Representative has…
Jackson Calls for Ohio Investigation
Tweet We already all know about the fraud that took place on November 2nd, and now more and more mainstream public officials are calling for investigation. Jesse Jackson is trying…