Auditor: Withold Halliburton Payment
Tweet A quick blurb was just put out on the wires that says an auditor for the US Army indicates the last 15% due to Halliburton should not be payed.…
Rebpulican Hipocrasy
Tweet Take a read at a quote from Republican Richard Luger regarding recent elections: “A concerted and forceful program of election-day fraud and abuse was enacted with either the leadership…
Democrats Block Omnibus Spending Bill
Tweet It seems that the Democrats are starting to stand up for themselves! Now that the pork-filled Omnibus spending bill was almost rammed down the House and Senate’s throats with…
“Don’t overturn hate!” cries biggot!
Tweet With the eleven gay marriage amendments passing around the country, some who were for the amendment are trying to mend fences by bringing forth civil union status. That’s what’s…
Vilsack out of DNC Head Race
Tweet Looks like Iowa Democratic Governor Tom Vilsack is dropping out of the running to head the Democratic National Committee. You may think — so? Well, it’s actually a good…
Hidden Agenda
Tweet Someone’s got a hidden agenda in the Congress. Yeah, I know that’s a broad statement, but it’s worse than you think. In the 3000 page, 14 POUNDS of paper…
“Academia” still fixated on November 2nd?
Tweet In what’s a clear partisan story, Rachel Konrad of the AP is claiming that it’s just “academia” that’s fixated on the November 2nd election. It sounds like she’s clear…
What happenned to MORALS?
Tweet In what is seen as a totally partisan attempt to insure Tom Delay keeps his party position, even if he’s indicted because of the Texas campaign funding illegalities, House…
90 Second Gay Marriage Argument
Tweet So you’re sitting down about to eat, or you’re minding your own business at the mall, and some Fallwell wackjob starts in on “How the gays will ruin marriage”.…
Kerry – Biding His Time
Tweet Everyone thinks Kerry went silently into the night, after giving his concession speech. But what was he really thinking? And more importantly, what is really going on? Well, we…