Go read this now!
Tweet The awesome blog Towleroad put together a great post about the American Psychological Association, the American Medical Association, as well as other organizations, and the amicus brief that was…
Some good news about marriage equality
Tweet Here’s a good roundup of the three good pieces of news for marriage equality. First of all, Washington United for Marriage, the group that’s fighting to keep marriage equality…
Two Complimentary LGBT Equality Organizations
Tweet In the past few days, there’s been a push for two new LGBT equality charities, one of which comes from a company you know, and the other I’ve found…
Something beautiful out of a bad situation
Tweet By now, we should all know about Tyler Clementi, and his tragic suicide due to his college roommates “prank” of recording a video of Tyler making out with another…
Texas GOP: Let’s repeal the 1965 Voting Rights Act
Tweet The good people over at ThinkProgress.org had strong enough stomachs to read the entire Texas GOP platform for 2012. One nugget that was in there, was Texas GOP’s desire…
Minnesota anti-equality group to gays: You should be put to death
Tweet Something really interesting happened over at the Minnesota for Marriage Facebook page yesterday. Someone posted a verse from the Christian bible chapter “Leviticus” that calls on gays to be…
A picture is worth $1.5Million
Tweet Especially when it’s this picture. And so very, very true…
Marriage equality: Good for public health!
Tweet You know all those people who yell and scream at gay people for wanting the same rights and responsibilities as their straight counterparts? You know – the haters at…
Justice Scalia needs to recuse himself from any non-white Supreme Court cases
Tweet This is pretty awful… In writing his 22 page dissent of the Arizona SB 1070 “Papers, please!” law, Supreme Court Justice Scalia actually cited pro-slavery laws that excluded freed…
So a Republican finally admits it
Tweet All along, people “in the know” have known that the only reason Republicans push for identification to vote – putting up the laws that require showing some sort of…