Bush Family for Kerry
Tweet The site pretty much promotes itself — Bush Relatives for Kerry. It’s a list of Bush relatives that aren’t voting for him; they’re voting for John Kerry. http://www.bushrelativesforkerry.com/pages/1/index.htm
Voter Suppression: Philadelphia
Tweet Republicans have tried, and failed, to move polling places out of minority neighborhoods. This is happenning generally in neighborhoods that have about a 10% Republican voter registration population, and…
Voter Suppression/Deception: Indiana
Tweet Students at University of Indiana were duped into changing their party affiliation. They were asked to sign petitions to legalize marijuana and sign a second form to prove that…
Uncommitted Voters for Kerry
Tweet After watching all three debates, over 70% of the uncommitted voters questioned said that the debates have helped them make up their minds as to whom they were going…
Voter Registration Fraud Widens
Tweet It appears that not only Democratic voters in Nevada were disenfranchised by having their voters registration cards thrown out by RNC operatives. There are cases in Colorado, Oregon, and…
Democratic Voter Registration Cards TRASHED
Tweet In Las Vegas, it was just announced that a private company that collected voter registrations in Las Vegas, “Voter Outreach of America”, collected thousands of voter registration cards, and…
Election Predicted by FOOTBALL GAME?
Tweet Hard to believe, but apparently it’s true. Snopes.com has a writeup on the Washington Redskins, and if they lost the last game before the November Presidential election, the party…
Rampant Lesbianism?
Tweet In a videotape of a town hall meeting in Hugo, Oklahoma, where Republican Senate hopeful Tom Coburn spoke, Coburn is seen warning the crowd of the “rampant lesbianism in…
Equal Time Be Damned
Tweet The Sinclair Group wants to preempt prime time television to air the anti-Kerry documentary “Stolen Honor” coming up soon. They own sixty two telelvision statments, reaching 24% of the…
A Bush Tactic for Kerry
Tweet Earlier this Summer, the Bush campaign urged churches to send the church roster of members to the Bush/Cheney reelection committee. When it was called into question the legality and…