Manufacturing the News
Tweet In a move that is pretty unethical, even for a Republican, the Bush administration has taken to renewing a tactic of manufacturing news and sending it out to media…
Seems like old times….
Tweet The shenanigans of 2000 are already playing out across the country. The Michigan 2004 Absentee ballots have been mailed out, and I think you’ll agree that there’s something funny…
Most troubling moment from 10/8 debate
Tweet I don’t know about you, but there was a troubling statement made by Bush during the 10/8 debate that I’ve not heard much of since it was made. In…
Cutting Through Debate Rhetoric
Tweet There were countless charges on both sides of the Vice Presidential debate (the previous story being one of them) that just weren’t quite all there. Cheney himself said to…
One Cheney Lie Dismissed
Tweet Hey, Dick! Remember in the VP debate last night where you said you’d never met Senator Edwards? Does this picture (AP Photo/C-SPAN) jog that evil brain of yours? This…
Tom Delay’s “Punishment”
Tweet As usual, the bad news is snuck out under cover of a much larger story. While the Vice Presidents were getting ready to debate, and all the focus was…
After the VP Debate Tonight….
Tweet Take a few minutes, and contribute your feelings! The DNC has put together an “Action” plan, and Buzzflash has it posted. The link to it is Get involved!
Bremer and Rumsfeld Off Message
Tweet Looks like Bush is having trouble keeping his people on message. Are things unravelling for the Teflon President? First off, Paul Bremer, former civilian overseer of occupied Iraq –…
Deletion of the First Amendment
Tweet Listening to Mike Malloy tonight on Air America, Mike told a chilling tale that shows just how much our Free Speech Rights have been eroded under this president. On…
“Freedom” Fries, Anyone?
Tweet Bush seems to be retreating into the past. Obviously smarting from his loss in the debate, Bush tried to fire up a crowd by throwing Kerry’s “global test” comment…