Nepotism Fallout
Tweet After Governor-elect Frank Murkowski chose his daughter to replace him in the United States Senate for the second Alaskan seat, people stood up and took notice. Alaskans don’t take…
Bush Flails and Fails
Tweet In a desperate attempt to try and conjure up something on Kerry from the September 30th debate, Bush tried to criticize Kerry for Kerry’s statements about pre-emptive military action…
Kerry Pulling Ahead
Tweet In the latest Newsweek poll, Kerry has pulled ahead of Bush 49% to 46%. Remember, these numbers are likely voters, meaning only voters that have voted in the past…
Gays & Lesbians: SAVE THE DATE!
Tweet Reposting now that it’s October, and coming close. Original post, along with the Yahoo! news article is at Gays and lesbians provide a great amount of financial support…
Part of the Patriot Act Struck Down
Tweet A controversial part of the Patriot Act (though the whole damn thing is controversial) has been struck down as unconstitutional by a US District Court Judge. The government no…
The Upcoming Debate
Tweet The debate on 9/30 is at hand, but don’t expect anything out of it. There’s to be no surprises, no unscripted words, no unapproved camera shots, no nothing. This…
New Ways of Voter Suppression
Tweet What if November 2nd rolled around, and you couldn’t vote? Minnesota Republican Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer said the state was running out of voter registration cards. When a…
NOW They remember Osama
Tweet The name Osama bin Laden hasn’t been uttered by Republicans in ages; as a matter of fact, it wasn’t even said once during the four day RNC. But Osama’s…
Crawford, Texas FOR KERRY!
Tweet I wonder if the President settled in with his local newspaper tonight? If he did, he had a rude awakening, and it’s going way beyond it’s 450 copy circulation…
Read the fine print
Tweet In times like these – economic uncertainty, unemployment, bankruptcies at an all time high – that the government chose to focus on….peer to peer file swapping? Basically, anyone who’s…