Compassionate Conservatives MY ASS
Tweet I try and keep the language pretty clean, but this article just doesn’t deserve anything clean. Bush and his “compassionate, Christian” groupies should be ashamed of himself. Bush was…
Rush doesn’t get it!
Tweet Cheney laid a threat on the American public, by saying that if the public didn’t vote for Bush/Cheney, then we would be inviting a terrorist attack. Of course conservative…
Distortion of the Polls
Tweet Leave it to the Brits to give us ACCURATE information; the US media conglomerates are not telling us the truth again. Coming out of the RNC, Newsweek was screaming…
Cheney: Vote for Kerry, Vote for Terrorists?
Tweet In an unethical charge, based in nothing but in promoting fear, Vice President Dick Cheney has left a Des Moines town hall meeting, telling the crowd that if they…
Republican Governor denied his toy!
Tweet In response to 9/11, the US Government created the Department of Homeland Security, and has given out money to states and local governments to improve security. Like any government…
Bush Against Limiting World Nukes
Tweet Guess what they snuck through while the sheep watched Bush at the RNC? The White House is being criticized by the Arms Control Association for trying to derail a…
Tweet Kerry addressed a crowd at 12Midnight, in response to Bush’s address to the delegates. In a one-two punch, he’s zinging Bush AND IT’S ABOUT TIME. It’s not on any…
When in doubt, COMMUNISM!
Tweet If Arnold didn’t bring up communism enough, how about the pittsburglive article? Seems that there’s a subliminal cross that’s appears in the $2million podium that’s being used during this…
Pets Covered, Partners Aren’t
Tweet Home Depot, along with four other companies, are being questioned as to where their priorities lay. A news story that was just released shows that, while companies like Home…
Gay Marriage vs Anti-Equal-Rights Groups
Tweet People claiming that gay marriage is going to somehow harm their heterosexual marriages put forth a ballot measure, known as Constituional Amendment 36, to write discrimination into the Oregon…