Knock Knock, FBI Calling
Tweet There have been countless reports of the FBI interrogating people simply because they have attended or setup peace protests. Stories such as roommates Nate Hoffman and Jeff Kinder of…
We’re Here to Liberate (Iraq from it’s Money)
Tweet According to a leaked source on a report soon due out, $8.8 BILLION (yes, BILLION) of our tax dollars have been misappropriated by contractors and government authorities (click for…
OpEd tells the RNC what to expect in NYC!
Tweet OK, so it was bad enough that Bush and his cronies were planning on milking the memory of 9/11 and it’s victims during the upcoming Republican convention. Now, it…
Young Voters for Kerry
Tweet Turns out that the younger generation is becoming smarter and smarter. Maybe it’s because they realize that if they vote for Bush, they’re voting for their own ticket to…
Bush Boys Intimidating Black Voters in Florida
Tweet After the horrid fiasco of the 2000 election in Florida (catch the DVD “Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election” for details), did you think they’d try it again? Well, they…
ProudLiberal is back!
Tweet After quite a while away, due to technical problems and just plain bad timing of projects, went offline for a while. Well, we’re back! And just in time.…
“You’re either with us, or against us”
Tweet Apparently that message, the one that George Bush ran with when it came to the Iraq war, is ever pervasive. Recently, the Alabama GOP has criticized a Mississippi State…
Give the people what they want!
Tweet The challenge has been extended. And again. And again. The Democratic party and the Kerry Campaign both have challenged Bush to a series of debates, beginning immediately (click for…
Liberals to Nader: Drop out now
Tweet There is no doubt that Ralph Nader made a severe impact in the 2000 Presidential Election, and there is no doubt that Gore’s 2000 campaign needed a hell of…
GOP to strategists: LIE, LIE, LIE!
Tweet The GOP is running scared on issues of the Environment. In an email sent out from the Bush campaign to it’s campaign workers, it tells them to deny there’s…