Masters of Illusion
Tweet Political spying led to the downfall of Richard Nixon. What happenned when the Boston Globe exposed the current Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee of spying on the Democrats…
Bush has no brain NOR heart
Tweet Gazing at the pictures that came out of the weddings in San Francisco has shown me that there is love out there, and that it should be celebrated. It’s…
Dennis Hastert: TRAITOR
Tweet ProudLiberal doesn’t use the word tratior lightly. However, Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has proven that he holds every single American who cares about the truth surrounding the…
Half right, half wrong
Tweet I started reading this article on how the Republican party has lied to America (click for story). I pretty much agree with everything that was said about the Republican…
Ann Coulter, Al Franken labeled you correctly
Tweet What is it with the right winged media whores? You have someone like George W. Bush, who joined the National Guard to get out of going to Vietnam, and…
Big kudos go out to SF Mayor Gavin Newsom!
Tweet Gay Marriage has been on the lips of just about every politician since the Bush’s State of the Union address. Most of those uttering those words have been the…
Rush Limbaugh, you just make no sense.
Tweet Man, I STILL don’t get republicans. Rush tries to rationalize tax cuts to the rich and the privatization of Social Security. But the worst part of what he said…
All that’s missing is the Grand Wizard
Tweet This nation struggles with discrimination every day. Everyone has their demons. We should all be working together to rid ourselves of these demons. But not everyone feels this way.…
Gay Marriage continues in San Francisco
Tweet There have been three lawsuits challenging the legality of the more than 2,500 gay marriages that continue on in San Francisco. Conservatives have been trying to destroy the couples…
And it spreads!
Tweet A revolution has begun. Gay Marriage is going to be a huge issue this year. It’s about equality, people! We shouldn’t tolerate anyone being a second class citizen. To…