What are we?
Tweet Seriously. I want to ask this question of Republicans. What, exactly, are gay people to them? A few weeks ago, The Advocate, a leading GLBT magazine, posted a story…
What are Republicans up in arms about?
Tweet This is ridiculous! The Republican party wants to do away with the EPA, so that polluters can trash our environment. They want to gut Social Security and Medicare and…
Typical Republican Lawmaker
Tweet And by typical, I mean the recent story about Arnold Schwarzenegger. He vetoed – twice – bills that would allow marriage equality within the State of California. But at…
If the tables were turned…
Tweet Okay, I totally don’t get this. So in Iowa, where gay marriage is legal (because all seven Iowa Supreme Court justices agreed it was a civil right), the Iowa…
ATTN: People Blaming Obama for the Arizona Immigration Law Being Stopped
Tweet Yes, the racist Arizona law was blocked. It’s all over the news. And people are already blaming Obama for it. WTF? Here’s the facts. The law was blocked by…
Why the public should never be allowed to vote on civil rights
Tweet You would think in this day and age, that people would understand our past. As the saying goes, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat…
Another slam from the DCCC
Tweet The old saying, “With friends like this, who needs enemies?” comes to mind when I recently dealt with the DCCC. You see, I took the “Don’t Ask Don’t Give”…
What is wrong with the media?
Tweet Okay. So yesterday we had primaries. Lots of them. And what is the definition of a primary? It’s that several republicans run for one office, and the one with…
Union bashing at 35,000Feet
Tweet It is absolutely no lie that unions are what built the backbone of this nation. Happy to have child labor laws? Paid time off? Workers rights to safe working…
Palin’s Latest
Tweet Reposted from sister blog BuryingTheLead.com Tell me something. Have YOU heard about Sarah Palin’s latest word-mastery? No. And hardly anyone else has, either. Frankly, it’s beyond words. She basically…